Sunday, November 13, 2011

My dinner with zombie

Last night, a few friends came over and we had a zombie dinner. The whole idea was to cook and consume foods like those zombies would eat. No, human meat was not on the menu...yet.

We could only approximate zombie food. Part ironic. Part iconic. Part outright gross. Part marvelous.

Here's the menu for your delectation and desecration:

  • Cosmopolitans for Carl Sagan Day with red raspberry agar blood clots.
  • Bloody Marys. The favourite drink of our undead siblings.
  • Vampire Cocktails. Yes, wrong undead but bloody fabulous: 1 1/2 oz vodka, 1/2 oz Chambord, and top up an old-fashioned with cranberry juice.
  • Pina colada agar noodles, strawberries and cream mixed together to look like intestines with blood clots and bile. Bloody fantastic!
  • Lychee fruit with black grapes served in raspberry or blueberry jello. Otherwise known as eyeballs in decomposing body fluid.
  • Pork fillets in oatmeal crisp--or shins emerging from the grave.
  • Stewed tripe. Yes, that's right, stewed tripe. Need I say more? It is actually delicious with fennel seeds. The licorice flavour compliments it.
  • Liver. You know zombies are into organ meat. Not an outrageous menu item but by far the least enjoyable. I just can't stomach it. Unlike tripe.
  • Spaghetti squash with cranberries, thyme and butter. Kind of repeated the intestines with blood clot theme but zombies have rather predictable eating habits, don't they?
And there you have a zombie meal as a work of outsider art.

I'm hoping we'll get another blog together to share recipes and ideas, so that's all for now. I'll try to get some pics up in a bit as well.

Live Goth. Eat Goth. My pretties.

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