Sunday, January 8, 2012

More Victorian dadism: Steampunk heroes

Charles Cros

Source: wikipedia
Inventor, damned poet, rogue scientist and xenthropologist. Cros thought of the phonograph before Thomas Edison but didn't make it in time. Just tragic! He also was a passionate believer in alien life before it was cool; and proposed the construction of giant mirrors as a means of communicating with the denizens of Venus and Mars.

August Strindberg

Source: wikipedia
Another damned poet. And playwright. Transformed the naturalist and supernaturalist drama across Europe. Also an anarchist and rogue scientist. He would easily fit into the drinking dens of Salacus Fields and the cross-fertilized magic-science labs of Brock Marsh.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

Source: wikipedia
Not so much of a damned poet as a doomed one. A little late for steampunk, maybe more dieselpunk, but still the arch-dandy and artistic revolutionary. Fought for liberty and equality with both the pen and the sword. Even invented his own poetic-symbolic alphabet for proselytizing the new age and the new humanity. Disillusioned with the Stalinist implosion of the Russian Revolution. Committed suicide. A martyr for freedom. And a martyr for art.

Just steamy. Just punky.

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